Professional Events: Controversies in Nephrology
make a statement
get ready to speak up
Stretch your mind at Controversies in Nephrology, an evening of thoughtful and lively debate focused on examining the questions central to kidney disease. Groups of nephrology fellows representing Chicago’s academic medical centers will field questions, engage in a few bouts of friendly competition, and challenge one another to think critically about patient care, physical health, and research. Whether or not you are part of a team, all attendees are encouraged to participate in the conversation.
For More Information
Please contact the NKFI's Director of Programs, Rachel DePauw
email: | phone: (312) 321 - 1500 x 258

Controversies in Nephrology will be
an in-person event this year. PROGRAM
May 8, 2025
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Chicago Historical Society
1601 N Clark St
Chicago, IL

details & debate topics
what's on the agenda
TOPIC #01:
Sodium bicarbonate supplementation should be routinely used in chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients with metabolic acidosis
PRO: University of Illinois at Chicago
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
CON: Loyola University
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
TOPIC #02:
Xenotransplantation is a more viable option than the artificial kidney
PRO: University of Chicago
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
CON: Rush University
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Dr. Luisa Safar Boueri, Northwestern Medicine
Dr. Vikram Aggarwal, Northwestern Medicine
Luke Barr, MD, Northwestern Medicine
Melanie Betz, MS, RD, CSR, CSG, FAND, The Kidney Dietitian
Malgorzata Kochanek, MD, Associates in Nephrology
Andrew Kowalski, MD, MPH, FASN, Nephrology Associates of Northern Illinois and Indiana
Kristin Uebel, MBA, MM, HEA, BSN, RN, CNN, Jesse Brown Department of Veteran's Affairs Medical Center
6:00 - 6:30 PM Registration, Visit Exhibitors, and Cocktail Reception
6:30 PM Dinner Begins
6:45 PM Welcome Reception
Rachel DePauw | National Kidney Foundation of Illinois
Dr. Suneel Udani | Professional Advisory Board Chair
6:50 PM Introduction of Debate Moderators
Dr. Suneel Udani | Professional Advisory Board Chair
6:55 PM Judges and Debates Introduction/ Debates Begin
7:40 - 7:55 PM Break/ Visit Exhibitor
Debates Continue
8:40 PM - 9:00 PM Closing Remarks
Winners Announced

program sponsors
you make the difference
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois is able to offer professional development programming, conduct educational seminars, and support research with the help of our passionate supporters, and a remarkable team of dedicated sponsors. Interested in sponsoring this event? Contact Wesley Bauer at or 312-321-1500.