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Kids & TeensLiving with Kidney Disease & Transplantation (17 and Under)

living with kidney disease & transplantation: kids 17 & under

September 21, 2025

Griffin Museum of Science and Industry

hands on support

a day for young patients and their families

This very special, free event is focused on helping young patients live healthy, fun-filled lives. Children, teens, and their families, and caregivers will have the opportunity to meet with physicians, dietitians, nephrologists, and other relevant healthcare professionals for a day of empowering education. This event will feature speakers for parents and fun, engaging activities for kids.  Children, teens, and their will gain a better understanding of their bodies, and enable them to gain confidence in their health. Educational topics may cover any of the following areas:


  • Information about new medicine

  • Managing a kidney transplant

  • Emotional support and family wellness

  • Dialysis options

  • Breakthroughs in technology

  • Healthy snacks and nutrition 


Following a healthy lunch, families will enjoy access to the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry. Access to the museum will only be granted to those who attend the full program. 


get registered

Ready for an exciting day of education,

activities, and learning?


Click below to reserve your spot. 

be a sponsor

Become a significant supporter of the

NKFI's youth programming.


Click below to learn more about sponsoring this event.

apply for scholarship

We want to make this program accessible to as many families as possible. 


Click below to apply for a travel stipend.



schedule & information

plan what to expect

Griffin Museum of Science and Industry

Enjoy access to the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry where families can explore and enjoy the fun and educational adventure at the conclusion of the program. 


Access to the museum will be given to those who complete the program. 


Griffin Museum of Science and Industry

5700 S Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL 60637

Program Schedule

9:15AM     Registration, Check-in, and Breakfast ​

9:30AM     Welcome and Ice Breaker

9:50AM     Session 1 - Be a Kidney Explorer

10:30AM   Session 2 - Explore the World Around Us 

11:00AM   Session 3 - Explore Healthy Options 

11:30AM   Lunch and Networking

12:00PM   Adjourn to Explore the Museum

Schedule & Information

photos from the day

relive the memories






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program sponsors

helping children plan their futures

The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois is able to successfully impact the lives of young people, their families, and their communities with the help of our dedicated sponsors.

For more information on sponsoring this program, please contact Wesley Bauer at or 312-321-1500. 

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support programs for
kids & teens

you make the difference

Help the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois create more programming for kids, teenagers, by supporting our work. Click below to learn more about how you can play a role in supporting young people, and in advancing our mission.

Ways to Give

Whether you give monthly, join a council, or donate through work: your generosity is at the core of all our work.

Sponsor an Event

Demonstrate your support of the NKFI, and make a major impact in the fight against kidney disease.

Get Involved

Join the NKFI in our work by volunteering, becoming an advocate, or hosting your own #TeamKidney event.

Support Us

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improving lives, improving communities

The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois wouldn't be able impact the lives of young people, their families, and their communities without the help of our dedicated sponsors.

signature events

Join the NKFI at a community-building event, and help us create resources for education, patients, and families.


Take control of your own health and connect with experts and resources at one of our free educational seminars.


Learn from leaders in the field and deepen your understanding of CKD at an NKFI professional development day.

All Events


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