matching gifts

Maximize your contribution to the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois by pairing your donation with a matching gift from your employer.
Many companies and businesses express their giving spirits by offering to match charitable donations made by their employees. This gracious benefit allows your gift to go farther, and make an even larger difference in the lives of families facing kidney disease.
Many matching gift programs typically provide a 1:1 match; but some will double or even triple your donation (usually up to a certain amount). By taking part in your company’s gift platform, you could transform a $50 monthly commitment, for instance, into a $1,200 annual gift.
Find out if your company has a matching gift program, along with pertinent giving details, by clicking the below, and entering your employer’s name in the search field.
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didn't find a match?
If you don’t find your company through the Gift Matcher, it is still possible that your place of business operates a matching gift program. To find out, we recommend contacting your Human Resources Department. Remember to ask:
How much will your company match up to
If they match dollar for dollar, or if they will donate double or triple your gift
What you need to do to initiate the match
Should you find out that your company doesn’t yet have a matching gift program established, consider petitioning them to create one.​

need any help?
If your company needs some form of receipt from the Foundation itself, or if you need help completing a National Kidney Foundation of Illinois Matching Gift form, please contact our Chief Financial Officer Sheilla Ntambo for assistance.
phone: (312) 321 - 1500 x 236
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Should your employer need the NKFI's tax exempt info:
Federal Tax EIN: 366009226
Illinois Tax Exempt Number: E9984 - 2823 - 07
other ways to give
thank you for your passion
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois happily welcomes the support of community-minded business leaders, and we offer several channels you may use to get involved in our work.