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CBS2: CBS 2 meteorologist Ed Curran returning to weekend mornings after kidney transplant

Updated: Apr 24, 2022

CHICAGO (CBS)-- CBS 2 meteorologist Ed Curran is returning to weekend mornings with a new kidney!

This week, Curran took to Facebook to share the good news, after getting a kidney transplant from his sister for Christmas. He'd been on dialysis since December 2019, after suffering an acute kidney injury in 2018.

"I have some personal news to share. I got a kidney transplant for Christmas! It's something I've needed for over 3 years," He wrote. "There are simply no words to express my love and appreciation for my sister, Patti Orthwein (pictured). It took months of tests and many 4 hour commutes (each way) to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, with her supportive husband Wayne, to accomplish this life-saving organ donation. Thank you. I'm humbled."

Curran will be back on CBS 2 on Saturday morning. We're happy to see him back at work and healthy after his transplant.

"I'm feeling really great, and it's a great opportunity to be able to tell people to think about organ donation, and what they can do," Curran told the CBS 2 morning team on Friday.

Curran said it was important to have his family at his side throughout the process, including his adorable grandkids.

"It was really a help. It gives you hope, it gives you something to look forward to. My wife was incredibly helpful throughout this entire thing. I mean, I don't know how I could do this without all the help that I got from Monica. And, you know, the kids, the grandkids are wonderful," he said.

Unfortunately, because of the effect a transplant has on the immune system, and the risk of getting COVID-19, he has seen them very little since getting his new kidney, but "that'll pick up, and we'll see them more now that I had yesterday my three-month anniversary of the transplant."

For anyone who is interesting in organ donation, you can get your questions answered at the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois website or at the Illinois donor program,

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