Happy 45 years #kidneystrong to Mary Begel!
Mary celebrated her monumental milestone with family and friends last weekend. Mary and her brothers, including her donor Greg, are pictured.
Mary says, "As I reflect on this past weekend and noting the celebration of my 45th anniversary on my kidney transplant. I look back with amazement and gratitude over the gifts I have been blessed with. The first gift was my brother, Greg, sharing a part of himself so that I might live. Back in 1977, my journey began with a visit to country doctor because I just didn’t feel right. From there I went to the University of Illinois at Chicago. Once I arrived, I was under the care of Dr. Olga Jonasson. On August 11, 1977 my gift of life occurred.
With each passing year, the gifts continued. I graduated college; married and became a mom to 2 wonderful sons. Over the 45 years, I’ve continued to be a daughter, sister, aunt (great aunt x3), cousin and niece. The blessings continue to this day and I hope years to come.
My kidney is strong, with continued family and friends support, I know it will be for years to come.
Thank you for allowing me to share this with the kidney community and give hope to others along this journey."